Possible Sequels To SLENDER

You know the drill. But in case you don't...
No Jeff stuff. No Slendy vs./meets (trollpasta character here). No "gay" jokes. No all-caps entries. Keep gross-out jokes to a minimum. Don't use anything that's on then Jeff lists. No repeating entries (read the whole list before adding yours to make sure it isn't there already.) And above all, make them


Slenderman eats a Taco
Slenderman bakes a cake
Slenderman gets his eyes checked (wait, he has eyes?)
Slenderman Contemplates His Navel (wait, he has a BELLYBUTTON?!)
Slenderman Goes to The Doctors
Slenderman joins EHarmony
Slenderman discoveres Fire
Slender man chases his shadow
Slenderman vs. Jack Skellington
Slender Man Eats Himself.
Slenderman meets The Queen
Slenderman Becomes a Teacher
Slenderman Tries to Feel on Jane; gets Assassinated by Jeff
Slendy's Triple Nipple
Slenderman looks at himself in the mirror.
Slenderman Pops The Balloonatic
Slendy's Midget Fetish
Slendy Rides A Waterslide
Slenderman Licks A Toad
Slenderman eats too many McDonalds-eating children and becomes Fatman
Slenderman Skips Around Like A Little Girl
Slenderman gets a job as a mannaquin
Slenderman plays Slender
Slenderman gets a spray-on tan
Slenderman goes Trick r' Treating
Slenderman does motivational speaking
Slenderman creates a Youtube channel
Slenderman Goes To Therapy
Slenderman The Comedian
Slenderman stars in Epic Rap Battles of History
Slenderman dances in Dancing with the Stars
Slenderman becomes a Nickelodeon Intern
Slendy Becomes A Proffessional Clown
Slendy Drinks The Entire Red Sea
Slendy Eats An Entire Wedding Cake
Slendy does a little soft-shoe.
Slenderman goes to China; Hu Jintal Disappears 2 Days Later
Slenderman Was Once A Mouse
Slendy Gets Gas
Slenderman Struggles To Use Chopsticks
Slenderman Burps
Slenderman's BBQ Battle With Jeff
Slenderman Plays American Football
Slenderman Pats The Bunny
Slenderman's Dance Mania!!!
Slenderman Jumps Around Like An Idiot
Slenderman Gets Wombo Comboed
Slendy Molests An Ice Cream Cart
Slenderman Deals In Propane And Propane Accessories
Slenderman Licks A Doornob... somehow
Slenderman Invades The UAE
Slenderman Loses A Game Of Connect Four
Slenderman: The Musical
Slenderman Impregnates A Goat
Slenderman Is Incredibly Ticklish
Slenderman Grows A Long, Luxurious Coat Of Fur
Slendy Gets Drunk
Slenderman Poops Solid Gold Bricks
Slenderman's Migraine
Slendy On Roids
Slenderman Becomes The Size Of A Galaxy
Slenderman's Got Yer Nose
Slenderman Plays Takeshi's Challenge
Slenderman: The Sandwich. Filled with tentacley goodness. Wriggles and slithers, free of charge.
Slenderman Eats Pork Lo Mein
Slenderman Rides A Donkey
Slenderman Meets Johnson
Slenderman's Laser Nipples
Slenderman Becomes A Marvel Super Villian
Slenderman tries a hair grow formula
Slenderman falls off a boat
Slenderman prank calls Dominos
Slenderman makes a Twitter
Slenderman Plays Poker
Slendy Smokes A Cuban Cigar
Slendy Eats 12 Baconators
Slenderman Smells Really Bad
Slenderman Uses Rogaine
Slendy's Morning Breath
Slendy Gets Implants
Slenderman In The Doghouse
Slenderman Tells Jeff and BEN To Get Off His Lawn
Slenderman Takes A Shower
Slenderman's Beard
Slenderman Washes His Suit
Slenderman Goes To The Beach
Slendy's Tentacles Are Turned Into Sushi
Slenderman Plays Cubivore
Slendy Gets A Butt Chin
Slenderman Does A Belly Flop
Slenderman's Tie Snags On A Stickerbush
Slenderman Goes Streaking
Slenderman Plays Basketball
Slendy Gets Shat On By A Bird
Slenderman Gets The Plague
Slenderman Does The Time Warp Again
Slenderman's Powdered Wig
Slenderman Stubs His Toe
Slenderman's Erectile Dysfunction
Slendy's Snowboarding Adventure
Slenderman Drops Mescaline
Slenderman Shrinks In The Wash
Slenderman's Retarded Brother
Slenderman vs. Sun Wukong
Slenderman Cried When Bambi Died
Slenderman Drinks Four Loko
Slenderman's Foot Fetish
Slenderman's Cufflinks Are Stolen
Slenderman gets married and retires
Slenderman Eats Too Many Children And Has To Take An Antacid Tablet
Slenderman In The Antarctic
Slenderman Sex Tape
*>walks in on Slenderman Sex Tape
*Of course. -Business Cat

Slenderman Gets An Embarassing Tattoo

Slenderman, a film by Michael Bay! See the horror of Slendy like NEVER BEFORE! With TEN times the explosions, and TEN times the chicks! See it now!\

Slendy Flexes His Non-Existent Biceps

Slenderman Gets A Flu Shot

Slenderman Wears Gerordi LaForge's visor

Slenderman Wears A Speedo

Slendy The Chick Magnet

Slenderman's Beer Garden

Slenderman Wishes He Could Smell Panties

Slendy Enters A Warp Pipe

Slendy Flips You Off

Slenderman Makes An Animutation

Slendy Makes A YouTube Poop

Slenderman Kicks Dr. Rabbit

Slenderman Double-Dips

Slenderman Meets Yen Sid

Slenderman Has Nightmares About Clowns

Slenderman Drinks Way Too Much Coffee

Slenderman Wanks On A Fish

Slenderman [http://www.monkeon.co.uk/swearadventure/ cusses in an old text-based game] and is booted back to the title screen

Slenderman finds [http://laserpotato.deviantart.com/#/d5lp8lv Worm Jeff] in his tequila

Slendy cheats in a footrace with The Flash

Slender Man Gets A Face (SPOILER: It's Mr. Potatohead's face.)

Slendy Overcooks His Thanksgiving Turkey

Slenderman Spills Coffee On His Tie

Slenderman Sexually Pleasures Jeff The Killer

Slenderman Hoards Cats

Slenderman Becomes A Zany Cartoon Character

Slenderman Punches One Direction Into The Sun

Slenderman kills BOTDF

Slenderman fights crime with the power of DANCE!
Slendy Sells Out
Slendy meets Jeff, then goes to sleep
Slenderman Wears Sandals
Slenderman's All-Night Bender
Slenderman Drinks 500 Gallons Of Iced Tea And Pees All Over His Forest
Slenderman Wears Stilts
Slenderman's Diabolical Humps Are Without Equal
The Balloonatic Get Revenge On Slenderman For Popping His Helium Sacs
Slenderman Takes Asprin
Slenderman roasts a grill at 11:30 pm
Slenderman Loses All The Invitations To His New Year's Party
Slenderman starts a Rap Career (even though he doesn't have a mouth and can't Physically rap)
Slenderman Punches Pewdiepie In The Grill
Slenderman Takes A Relaxing Bath
Slenderman locks this page because he's all mysterious n' shit. THEND!